Enjoy! Special thanks to Blader-X for doing the other games (Garou, AOF, Psycho Soldier, Ikari Warriors) and ShadowNash for doing the list of the newer titles (cross-overs, handheld releases). Anyway, I'm updating it for him by adding the characters for 20 along with some corrections.
Since Psyke hasn't updated the FAQ although 2000 was out and now that 2001 is finally out, I e-mailed him with all the info so he would update it but apparently, he doesn't use that mail anymore which shows he is really out of FAQ-writing. This probably means that the story events in '99 happens after the events of KOF '97, and KOF '98 was just a game to satisfy the gamers without a proper storyline to continue. As a side note, KOF '99 was titled : Episode 5 in the game's intro.
But for now, I'll only state the characters who appeared in the KOF series 94 to 99, and the number of their appearances. : ) This faq will aim to clearly state all the characters in the KOF universe, and if requested I might also extend the characters from the KOF universe to the other related characters, such as The Art Of Fighting, Fatal Fury, and Real Bout. I wrote one for the SF series quite a while back, and I'm having it updated as well. Version 3.6 - E-mail change! - 1) Introduction Okay, I was bored for the holidays and since it has been quite I while since I've written another faq so I thought I'd just write up a cast faq of all the characters of my fave game series, the King Of Fighters. Version 3.5 - Extended list to 3 other titles (thanks to ShadowNash). Also changed the Garou: Mark of the Wolves abbreviation from GA to MOTW.

Version 3.4 - Added note about KOF '99 and Evolution (by request). I also changed the format a bit because it was becoming kinda hard to navigate due to the long lists. =I Version 3.3 - Added KOF R1 & R2 and KOF EX. YES NOVersion 3.1 - Added Ling, I completely forgot about him.